Coming in early 2017 from Hook Spit Performance Rods! Available in three difference lengths 6’6, 6’9, 7’0 Wader Lt. and your choice of 316 Hard Frame Guides for $159 or REC Recoil Titanium Guides for $249. It’s the perfect color to go with the new 13Fishing Concept “TX” Special Edition.
The 13 Fishing Concept “TX” was built for demands of the gulf coast anglers. It’s tough enough to hold up with the high salinity levels and corrosion resistant sealed bearings (10) with ocean armor protection. Light weight of 5.99 ounces. It comes with the stand spool holding 135/12lb but you have the choice to purchase and customize your concept reels with a deeper spool. The Titanium drag system is hard to beat with the max drag of 25lb. These reels will be in stock at Hook Spit early January for the price of $299.