For as tough as it can be to fool an old gobbler, just filling a tag is reason enough to consider a season to be a success and it’s for this reason that hunters love to talk about the bird they bagged.Editorial Staff
Our annual Combat in the Wild turkey excursion started off a little differently this spring. Instead of a 17-hour drive to Kansas to look forward to, Howard Pounds and I were getting ready to fly to Omaha, Neb., rent a car and drive north to go after our first Merriam’s wild turkeys.Editorial Staff
Despite the fact that deer season ended on New Year’s Day, there’s still plenty of opportunity to wrap your hands around the antlers of a buck. No, I’m not advocating the breaking of any game laws.Editorial Staff
In the northern parts of our great country, anglers enjoy chasing down enormous pike and elusive musky. We Floridians don’t usually give a second thought, but they are in Florida!Brandon Tourigny
Stretching 500 miles across the northern side of the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, the Puerto Rico Trench is the deepest in the Atlantic Ocean. Virgin Islands/Puerto Rico Edition
When the fish gets in the strike zone of the dolphins tail, you can see the dolphin looking at the fish and lining up the kick. It's a difficult technique to learn, and not all dolphins know how to do it. However, once learned, it provides an obvious advantage over simply chasing a fish and catching it with the mouth. A quick, precise flip of the tail and dinner is served, versus chasing a fish down and catching it with the mouth which can often take a few minutes and require a lot of energy.Editorial Staff