Hurricane Prep for Boaters

Hurricane Irene has passed, leaving serious damage to many areas of North Carolina. But the National Hurricane Center’s 2011 prediction of 12 to 18 named storms—including three to six major hurricanes—remains in the back of everyone’s mind. Boat owners in coastal and inland areas would do well to start preparing before peak season arrives. First, boat owners should review their insurance policy with their provider, if possible. Those whose marine insurance requires them to relocate their vessels out of a hurricane zone should do so by the date specified in their policy. For those who are not planning on relocation, it’s important to have a storm plan ready to execute as soon as the forecast spells danger.  Some facilities demand that boats be removed from the water when a major storm is forecast. Owners who must move their boats should decide where to have them hauled before the hurricane season begins. Charges for storm haul-outs may be covered by your insurance policy. If not, check with your local Sea Tow franchise to see what pre-storm haul-out services are offered.  Sea Tow is the nation’s leading marine assistance provider and a great ally for boat owners. They’ve provided us with some tips for boat owners during the storm season.10 Tips for Boaters during Hurricane Season1. Closely monitor local and national weather services including NOAA Weather Radio.2. Make an inventory, preferably by video, of all valuable fixed items such as marine electronics on board your boat.3. Store all the boat’s important documents, including your marine insurance policy, in a secure place off the vessel.4. When a storm is forecast for your area, remove all detachable items from your boat, such as canvas, sails, cushions, fishing rigging, radios and antennas. Lash down everything that you cannot remove, including booms, tillers, wheels, etc.5. Deflate your dinghy and store it and its outboard off the boat. If it’s a fiberglass dinghy, have it stored in an indoor facility.6. If your boat is on a trailer, lash it securely. Use tie-downs to anchor the trailer to the ground, let the air out of its tires and weigh down the frame.7. If your boat is in a facility with shore power, be sure all power is turned off and all shore power cords are stowed securely. Disconnect your boat’s battery.8. Boats docked in a marina or in a private berth should be centered in the slip. Double-up all dock lines and make sure they are of sufficient length to compensate for excessive high water. 9. Anchored boats should ensure enough scope. Inspect all anchor rodes and chain and use only good or new gear. Set extra anchors as necessary.10. Do not stay with your boat or try to ride out a storm on board. No matter how valuable your vessel is to you—both financially and sentimentally—it’s not worth your life.