Juno Beach Pier Report: Dec. 2019

By Lauren Eissey, Loggerhead Marinelife Center, Contributing Writer

Winter months still summon a ripe fishing season in sunny south Florida. In December, Juno Beach Pier-goers can anticipate temperatures ranging from 77 to a low of 62 degrees. Relatively warm waters will provide anglers their pick of pompano, bluefish, crevalle jack, and more.

But what you reel in is only as good as your bait and gear. So, prep your fishing lines with lures and jigs, such as flies and wooden plugs, to attract bluefish and mackerel. Pompano, crevalle jacks, and blue runners are not shy to finger mullet, shrimp, sand fleas, clams, or ballyhoo as bait. All of which can be live, frozen, or freshly dead. However, pompano are attracted to jigs and bait, whereas jacks and blue runners are more attracted to colorful lures. Schools of Atlantic croakers will be heading south for the season and can be caught with whiting as bait.

A friendly reminder to dispose used monofilament lines in the designated recycling containers as more holiday anglers gather the pier.

Loggerhead Marinelife Center offers private fishing lessons for adults and children (ages 8 and up). One-hour lessons are offered daily; scheduled based on availability.  $25/angler (with own gear); $35/angler with rental gear. Bait not included. Email reservations@marinelife.org to register. The full-service Pier House features a snack bar as well as a variety of fishing tackle, including rental poles and bait.

Randy Yent, Pier Coordinator

Juno Beach Pier (561) 627-8280 Ext. 140

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