Key West Fishing – May 2017

by Capt. Mike Weinhofer

April fishing is normally the start of red hot fishing but with cooler than normal temperatures and abundant north winds, spring is on hold. We had a temperature drop of over five degrees this past week and it has put a chill on the spring bite. As the temperatures begin to warm and the wind switches around to the south the bite will catch on fire. May will be our April this year in fishing. This year our big dolphin will come thru under the frigates in 500-650 feet of water tailing to the West just a little later than normal.

The tarpon have just now started to show up but that makes them about 3 weeks late. In the beginning of May we will see cobia on the color change and sails tailing in anywhere from 60 feet of water out to about 210 feet of water. The dolphin fishing this year will depend and how fast we warm up, if the water stays cold the dolphin may pass us by and head north for warmer waters.

The gulf fisheries will benefit from the slow warming the tunas on the shrimp boats will stay longer in the gulf before making the turn to go up the east coast. The cobia on the wrecks will stay and eat while waiting for the water to warm to migrate.

The flats will fill with tarpon in may and the permit and some bonefish will await patient anglers plying the shallows. Look for the tarpon and permit to fall off the flats into the deeper channels on those cold mornings. The afternoon sun warming the shallows will drive them back up hunting the shallows.

All in all may is an awesome time to fish in the keys whether your offshore or in the back country the keys are alive with migrating fish.
So come wet a line and see what your missing

Capt Mike Weinhofer
Compass Rose Charters