Lake Reedy Report & Forecast

Lake Walk in Water

Capt. Reno Alley

This is a large body of water, 7,520 acres. Is only 10-12 feet deep. The lake water is dark stained and brownish in color, visibility is only about 1-2 feet.
This lake was one of the best lakes I ever guided. I fished it every day for many, many years. My customers caught a lot of big bass, some over 10 pounds. The biggest one was one I will never forget, 13.3 pounds!
I still do some guiding on it, but things have changed. In 2004, a hurricane, along with the state spraying the hydrilla, killed a lot of natural cover. All the hydrilla died, and the spraying also killed the bull rushes and the cat tails. The lake took a BIG dive and never recovered!
Now, the cover is Kissimmee grass and pencil reeds. There is some decent fishing on the state-installed fish attractors.
As far as lures go, you can use topwater lures and, big 10-12” plastic worms. Flipping worms or Gambler craws are good outside the grass lines. If you want to use live bait, use large wild shiners along the Kissimmee grass.
This is still a good lake to fish, but not what it used to be. She was the best! If you fish long and hard, there is still some good fishing left in this old lake.
The state tried to replant new grass with little success and the state also tried tagging fish with not much success. I guess the herbicide got the best of old Walk in Water.
I loved this lake!