Ludington Fishing Report: May 2016


May brings the warmer weather, and with the warmer temperatures, the brown trout fishing starts to improve in the Ludington area. We will find browns concentrating in the shallows. When trolling along the beautiful sandy shoreline with body baits and small spoons for browns, we will also find lake trout and an occasional king.

Our spring kings will be the summer fishery kickoff we look for every year around the third week in May. Spring king fishing starts when the surface temperature is about 48 degrees off Big or Little Sauble Point and gets better normally around 52 degrees. The kings are hungry after a long winter and gorge themselves on post spawning alewives which we still have reproducing in our area.

The negative press continues and has anglers concerned about the king fishing in Lake Michigan. We are very fortunate to have natural reproduction from the Pere Marquette River, which has never been stocked with kings. The fact is that there are still 1.8 million king salmon still being stocked overall in Lake Michigan in 2016. Most of the salmon caught in the Ludington area are wild, and we do not rely on stocking. I am looking forward to the upcoming 2016 season.

