caught this 26 in, 7.5 lb Blue Catfish in Fort Yargo State Park.
I, Luka Lee, was fishing with my dad, Haemoon Lee, at Fort Yargo State Park in Winder, GA. We were having a good time with a few catfish bites on the catfish rods, and missed about two catfish. After a couple of hours of fishing, dad asked me if I wanted to go home, but I was hoping we would catch something so I just said I wanted to fish a little more. Then, he asked a couple more times until I decided go home. However, just when we were headed back to the dock, we heard the catfish rods' bell ring. Very quickly, we ran knowing there was a fish on the hook. The rod was slowly edging off the side the dock, so my dad ran over, hooked on the fish, and reeled it in. I helped him land it on the dock! Best things do come for those who wait! – Luka Lee (8)