Maine’s Fly Fishing

Maine’s Fly Fishing

By Richard Yvon


Fly-fishing in Maine… is an age-old tradition where people from all over the world come to fish the state’s pristine rivers, ponds and lakes. The best time to go fly fishing is from early spring to late summer. I want to express to everyone that has the thought of coming to Maine to fly fish, not to hesitate and get up here!

Whether you are a beginner or experienced, fly-fishing in Maine will exceed your expectations. Maine has gin clear freestone rivers, lakes and remote wild, native brook trout filled ponds waiting to be fished.

Three basic ways to fly- fish…Nymph, Dry fly and Streamers, although there are several variations that can be discussed, I will keep it simple for the novice to grasp the essence of our sport.

Nymph fishing…is nothing more than fishing below the surface of the water using a fly that imitates an aquatic insect. There are many techniques and strategies



Dry fly fishing is simply imitating an insect afloat on the water’s surface. This method of fishing is sought after by some of the most passionate of fly fishers.

Streamer fishing is simulating forage of bait or baby fish. Commonly used in the spring of the year to imitate a spawning melt and i

n the fall of the year to provoke a predatory reaction from spawning fish.

Fly-fishing equipment… can be simple or involved. The sport can be considered evolving and one to grow with which is why it’s never boring or complacent. Drift boat fishing is a very relaxing way to visit a river while taking a boat up waterfalls to chase smelt can be an exhilarating way to approach a fishery. Streamside fishing can be as simple as a small stream and a pair of shorts or in more technical water-wearing waders, belt and wading shoes. So anyway you choose to start or enjoy, be comfortable and always safety first!

Fly fishing rods and reels can be a whole topic all by itself. The important thing to remember is that you can start out with the most simplistic set up to get started. Rods can be carbon fiber, high modulus graphite or fiberglass. All can be good and is considered personnel preference. Our guide service uses NuCast, which is a midpoint priced rod and serves us well. A medium fast rod can be less forgiving while a slower, whippier rod, can be more forgiving to the beginner. Fly Reels hold line…again, reels hold line! To buy a reel is important although not necessary to break the bank. The best advice I can give to anyone is to try before you buy. See what feels best for you and fits best with the type of fishing you are doing. Every rod can be unique even among several rods made by the same manufacturer. Attending a fly-fishing clinic, sports event or even hiring a guide can be beneficial.