Maine’s Native Fish

Maine Outdoors Adventures with Twin Maple Outdoors 
By Richard Yvon – Twin Maple Outdoors

Native Fish in Maine has always been a revered as a unique and special by sportsman. Maine is the only state with extensive intact populations of wild, self-reproducing brook trout in lakes and ponds. Maine is also home to twelve threatened Arctic Char waters. The Char in Maine is located in its most southerly range in North America. Along with other native fish in Maine, these fish are all connected to all things and can be used as an indicator of what’s going on in our natural world. Growing up fishing for native Blue Back (Arctic Char) and Brook Trout, has truly enriched my life and has driven my passion for protecting, preserving, and restoring the fish populations and their habitat. I encourage everyone to embrace and get involved anywhere you live. Be a good steward to all things on our planet. We only have one, so let’s leave it with better people and a better environment for the future. Twin Maple Outdoors is currently working with Native Fish Coalition. I serve on the Maine state chapter NFC board as well as other like-minded organizations to educate and foster good stewardship for our native fish.

Native or Wild? What does these two terms mean exactly? These two terms are often used interchangeably but they do in fact have two very different meanings.

The term “Native’ means indigenous or historically present. These fish are originated or found naturally in a particular place.

The term “Wild” means self-sustaining or born in the wild.

When used together, the term “Wild Native” is referred to as indigenous species born in nature.

As a registered Maine fishing guide, I fish for many non-native species. I embrace the management of these species such as smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, and Pike. It is my humble opinion for invasive fish management, that the goal here is to embrace our fishery but NOT propagate invasive or non-native fish into water where native fish are present. These non-native fish have been introduced to Maine water and should be managed accordingly with laws, education, and just treatment as a valued resource. Throwing fish on the bank killing them with no intent of consuming is wrong and un-ethical. I do NOT consider this is proper management practice and should be discouraged. Many benefits can be enjoyed by all if proper management is taught and followed. The transportation of fish should be discouraged in any form or fashion. When it comes to bait, unless it is harvested at the source, it does not belong anywhere wild native fish are present.

All Native Fish in Maine are equally important because of the food source they provide and roll they have in the circle of life. There are several native fish in Maine that do not get the attention or love. They are very special and not be looked down as an inferior or an undesirable species. Featured in our photo “Native Fall Fish” is a great example of a beautiful native fish in our streams and rivers that provide food as forage when small and eggs for other reliant feeding native fish when spawning. The “Fall Fish” or “River Chub” can be more commonly found and is considered a sport fish. These fish are said to feed and fight just like the Wild/Native Brook Trout!

Volunteering can be a rewarding experience! Besides the obvious benefit for cause, there are many benefits for the voluntaries’ that people need to think about if considering. There are many great causes out in the world as it is a target rich environment for needing volunteers. The important thing to remember is follow your heart and passion.


If you are interested in a Northern Maine Outdoor Adventure, please reach out to Rich!

About Richard Yvon…Rich is a full time Registered Maine Guide and Luxury Sporting Lodge operator. He is a “Certified Yamaha G3 Guide” that runs fly and spin fishing trips with a G3 Jet boat and drift boat. Located in Bradford Maine, Rich guides World Class Maine hunting, fishing and recreation adventures. As well as guiding, Rich is also an outdoor writer, tree farmer, fly-fishing and certified NRA firearms instructor. Spending time in Maine’s North Woods has provided a canvas for Rich to share his passion of the outdoors with all walks of life. When Rich is not in the field, he sits as a director for The Maine Highlands of Maine Tourism. By contributing to the board of directors, he is in constant communication with visitors, guides, lodges and business owners in Maine promoting the outdoors and conservation.

*Due to limited space, booking in advance is highly recommended.

Questions? You may contact Rich:
Call: 207-907-9151