Manistee River Report: March 2014


March on the Manistee is the end of winter steelhead fishing and the beginning of spring steelheading. Most years that is the case, but I am not so sure about this year. It has been a challenging winter for the steelhead angler. Below zero temperatures for days on end, shelf ice to contend with, and snow and ice covered boat ramps all winter. Wow, I can’t wait for spring!

Typically, March is the month of warming weather, melting snow, and rising water and it’s time for steelhead to start their spring migration to spawn. We will start seeing new steelhead everyday as March goes on. Techniques for fishing these lovely chrome creatures vary from float fishing with centerpins, & fly rods and spinning gear to bottom bouncing with fly gear and spinning tackle.

The offerings we use this time of the year varies by technique- float’s with center pins and spinning gear we typically use spawn, beads or jigs, and wax worms. For the the fly angler, flies of choice would be trout beads, yarn & flies and various nymph patterns, such as hex nymphs, caddis, small stone & ies and buggers. Look for new fish to show up on every water influence from the snow melt and let’s pray it doesn’t melt all at one time

It should be a great spring here fishing the Manistee River and March is a great month to get out and shake the cabin fever. Look for warm ups in the weather or just get out when you can. Bent Rods & Tight Lines!!!
