Off shore fishing in Stuart, Florida during the month of December is truly world class. You are in the peak of the winter migration for dolphin and sailfish. Large bodies of sailfish migrate south with each passing cold front and it is not uncommon to catch double digit numbers of sails every day you fish. Sailfish swim in packs of as many as 20 fish and it is common to hook 3, 4 or even 5 sailfish at one time. Along with the migrating sailfish we see good numbers of dolphin and blackfin tuna make their way South too. Blackfin tuna are typically in the 15 to 30 pound range and dolphin are smaller than the springtime fish with a big dolphin being around 20 pounds. Best methods for catching all of these fish is trolling dead ballyhoo on circle hooks staggered around dredge teasers and squid chain teasers. Your best trolling speed is between 5 and 7 knots depending on direction and sea conditions. Bottom fishing for grouper, snapper, sea bass, and amberjack is excellent as well. It is common to catch limits of amberjack and grouper on most days. The most common grouper we catch is a gag grouper and the average weight of the fish is around 18 pounds with many fish weighing in over 30 pounds. Best methods for catching grouper and amberjack would be fishing live bait such as greenies, blue runners and grunts in depths ranging from 60 to150 feet around natural and artificial reefs.
- Marley Hagestrom with a winter blackfin. PHOTO CREDIT: DayMaker Charters.
Lock your drag down and hold on tight, the first 30 seconds is brutal!
FORECAST BY: Capt. Patrick Price
Day Maker Charters
Phone: (772) 405-0091
Where Days are Made!