Maine Outdoor Adventures with Twin Maple Outdoors
By Richard Yvon – Twin Maple Outdoors
This year is an exception for a prolonged ice fishing season. For as long as I can remember the season has never been extended. On April 1st this year, 1 -2 feet of ice was still to be found on most northern lakes. Our Govenernor Paul LePage signed an ice fishing season extension to April 16, 2017. This extension would help local business in bonus r e v e n u e and keep the cabin fever cases down to a minimum with ice fishers. As the climate changes, so does our laws and how we do things in the state. In April and May I certainly would not be writing about ice fishing but I feel the topic should be discussed. People should be aware of downsides of staying out on the ice longer than mother nature intends for us to do so. Through my own experience lies a story I would like to share… Everyone feels safe on that kind of ice but wait… Let me tell you about a situation on our last trip. We left at our usual 5:00 am for another Maine ice fishing adventure. When we arrived at our put in everything looked closed in without a hint of melting. As we fished all day it was always riding in back of my mind, “I wonder what the shore line looks now as the outside ambient temps approached 50 def ”. After fishing all day it was time to exit the ice and head to the barn. As we approached the edge to our amazement, the shoreline was open! It was now very questionable if I was able to exit the same way I went on. So fortunately we were equipped with an winch and 2000 # Nebulus floatation. I had sized up the situation and felt I would be able to make it off. The alternative would be to search the shore line for a more protected, shaded area that I could get off with more ease. So I asked my Uncle whom I was fishing with to “spot” me as I exit. I figured the worst-case scenario I would
be stuck in 4 feet of water. We exited without event and were on our way. I consider myself lucky with the trip and took away a valuable lesson. The first time and hopefully the last time we will encounter such a situation! So be mindful out there…. just because you can does not always mean you should. Ice fishers should always be careful of changing ice conditions. Always look to exit in shaded areas away from inlets, outlets, and springs and in general, avoid soft ice! The state of Maine was very blessed with bountiful snow and ice, “The Way Life
Should Be” in the winter! Hopefully next year will be as good or better! Twin Maple Outdoors offers fully guided ice fishing trips with full accommodations. Stay warm, stay safe, and catch fish with us! Now booking for 2017/2018 hard water and open water season. Thankful for an awesome ice fishing season with many laughs, memories and nice fish caught. Have fun, be a good sportsman and above all be safe! Be sure to check next month’s edition of Coastal Angler-Boston to read about our fly rod comparison of the expensive vs the affordable fly rod! Be sure to support your local tackle and bait shops today
*If you are interested in this trip or any other North Maine Fishing or Hunting Adventure, please reach out to me! Due to limited space, booking in advance is highly recommended. Contact Rich by calling 207-907-9151, emailing: or visiting