Offshore Pelagics Forecast for September

Can you feel it? I can….the summer is starting to ease the grip of sweltering heat it has put on us for the past couple of months. I’m sure everyone has experienced how the fish have noticed and run for the hills themselves. The offshore bite for meatfish has been pretty poor lately and the hot water out there has definitely been a part of it. I know it’s not good when I see some of the most hardcore trollers I know trying their hand at bottom fishing…all just to get something for their clients in the box. But have no fear…SEPTEMBER IS HERE! September finally starts to bring in the cooler winds that we’ve been eagerly waiting for. Those winds also start to cool the water temperatures down, which is the trigger for the fall fishing North Carolina is known for. The bait inshore will push off a bit and the pelagics that high-tailed it to the deep will start to come back to the break for an easy meal. Most people start to notice the mahi and sailfish bite improve, but my favorite fall fish is the speedy wahoo. These rockets of the deep are a true sportfish that will produce hard strikes, blistering runs, and excellent dinners for all who seek them. Now that I’ve made myself drool over the thought of my grill full of wahoo steaks, I’d be doing a disservice if I didn’t also bring up the sailfish bite that will come along with them. The sailfish bite in September can rival other famous locales such as Mexico and South Florida. Double-digit shots at sails are not uncommon this time of year while fishing inshore of the break a few miles. Most big boats targeting sails will be pulling dredges, circle hooks, etc. However, you can do really well with the normal ballyhoo/witch spread that most people use on a daily basis. Don’t forget to have a few wire rigs out for the hoos and big king mackeral that will be patroling the same area also. To sum up September offshore fishing, I will make it very simple. It is the time to enjoy the cooler weather coming to us, get in on the hot wahoo and sailfish bite, and finally get those last days of family fishing in before the kids go back to school. Of course there will be “sick” days and playing “hookie” when the bite’s hot, but it’s all for a great cause. Nothing is better than offshore fishing the NC coast, and we’re blessed to have it all right here outside of our doors!

Capt. John Mallette

(910) 934-2628