Topwater Red

Lowdown's Flathead Catch

Smoke On the Water

Big Red from Pensacola Bay

Fall Kings

Throwback Snook

Personal Best Red

So much fun :)

Panama City Gold

Red on the fly

Panama City Redfish

Personal Best Red Grouper

Capt Steve Bachman can get his clients fish on the fly in even the toughest of conditions...Experience matters!

John and Cote on a cold day nearshore aboard the C-note Boat.

Kim and Bill Jones with a spring king...

Sam caught this fine Deerpoint Lake bass swimming a Gambler Burner worm in the pads.

Capt Scott Fitzgerald of Madfish Charters putting his clients on the groceries with this giant triggerfish.

Kevin Iferd, owner Iferd's Automotive, offers complete automotive repair—and the occasional tip to improve your redfish game.

Now this is what it's all about!

Layton Hall-Resnikoff hauling in some bay trout

Dan & Jessica Susich duked it out on Capt. Kens boat. Tough conditions but caught Redfish!

Travis Poole with a fine Deerpoint bass

Becky Hillenbrand, Lauren Tucker and PJ with a fine haul of pomps.

PJ with a gator trout

David Mills battled this Panama City jack on light tackle and won...

Here’s Brayden Sullivan braving the wind and cold for some redfish action!

A lovely Ms. Dallas catching bay snapper on a chilly day with dad.

Joan traveled all the way up from Tampa to catch and release this bull red aboard the C-note boat.

Lancin Dybdal with a nice Grassy Pond bass.

Here’s a rare find! A permit caught in our bay with Capt Rosie Reelrosie Charters.

Tyler Gingritch with a 10 pounder caught during a club tournament on Hammock Lake. What a whopper!

The kids are all smiles when fishing with Capt. Garrison and Reel Rosie Charters.

Deerpoint Lake resident Chris Sabo caught this bass on his home lake.

Eric Nelson, owner of Southern Cleaning Supply, convinced this red to inhale a crab pattern at 40 feet with Capt. Steve Bachman of Panama City Inshore.

Kyle Pridgen & Randy Cnota with the win at the Deerpoint Team Trail Championship.

Jake Williams of Panama City with a nice bay grouper fishing with Capt. Daryl, Liquid Native Charters

Tyler Suddarth and Steve Young with their 3-fish limit weighing in at 13 pounds of Seminole bass winning this West Side Team Trail event.

Even in the least favorable conditions, a good guide like Garrison Rosie with Reel Rosie Inshore Charters can make the magic happen.

Dylan Shingler and Jake Hewett had some fun with this one fishing with Jason Hewett and Capt. Jason.

John David with a nice sheepshead aboard Natural World Charters with Capt. Chester Reese.

Fred Wilson bagging AJs off of Panama City Beach

Bay snapper aboard the C-note boat

8 year old Devon Johsnston with a nice Destin red. His mission accomplished!

Large gag caught by Jeff Pollock with Natural World Charters in Carrabelle.

Capt. Scott Fitzgerald, Madfish Charters, is putting clients on some epic mahi action!

Glenn with a fine red grouper on the opening day of fall snapper season on the C-note boat.

Mike and Ash doubled up with some nice black snappers aboard the C-note boat.

Butch gutted it out all day and hauled his snapper home. He’s one tough hombre!

Julliette Samuelson hauled this striper to the boat trolling in East River with her dad, Knowles.

Parker Gillman, Landon Celona & Brian Beighey loading the boat

Ken Morey and his grandbaby, Autrey, with a nice cat she hauled in on Lake Seminole

Tabitha hauling in flounder aboard Reel Screamer Charters with Capt. Chris Nguyen

Chris Rushing of Howell Tackle can slay the redfish...

Rosina Rice hauling in grouper with Capt Don Rice of Fishwhacker Charters in PCB

Chuck Foster and sons with some Seminole shellcracker

Nathan snatching on bull reds

Mr. Walter with a 50 lb. king

Siblings Patrick & Laura hauling in redfish

Preston with a stud nearshore snapper

Laura picking on sharks in the bay...

Capt Brett Shumate sporting a 30 inch trout

Robinson Brothers guides are sackin’ up tons of big tripletail...

Gavin Gonterman from Corpus Christi, TX, cranking up mangrove snapper with Capt. Jason.

Coastal Angler Magazine’s Nick Carter with a nice king

Nicholas and Capt. C-note haulin’ snapper

Look at the colors on this fish!

Kyle and Leeah Pridgen are expecting a little fishing buddy soon. Congrats!

Dannon Dalton won the battle with this big spanish mackerel

Winston Chester with a nice tripletail fishing with guide Chris Gouras.

Capt Justin Leake of Panama City Inshore spends a lot of time wrangling tarpon

Jeff Pollack with a 46 lb. king fishing with Capt. Chester of Natural World Charters in Carrabelle

CJ Lockamy with a fine Seminole bass during Bass Class with Capt. C-note

Johnny from AL with a nice Seminole bass

Kelly Lamberth muscled up this beautiful gag grouper

Will Nelson bagged the fish of a lifetime!

Adelynn “Creek Chub” Hallett and Allison Possum Hellet of PC with a nice trout

Capt C-note with one of the many big trout our bay system has been kicking out

Ryan from TN caught & released this snook aboard Reel Rosie Inshore Charters in St. Andrews Bay.

Evan Mixon did a great job carefully pulling this monster sheepshead up to the Adrenaline boat on light spinning gear.

Laura and Cash having a great day on Seminole.

Omar ‘n Valentina bagging snapper aboard the C-note boat.

Aaron with a nice Flint River shoal bass.

CJ Lockamy learning quickly how to punch mats for Seminole bass in C-note’s Bass Class.

Bob Hill with a scamp caught in the bay.

Aaron with a nice East Bay trout.

Scott King and Jon Mihalic from AL smashing bull reds aboard the C-note boat.

A nice Destin cobia...

JR Mundinger with a FL Trophy Catch 8.9 lb. lunker caught in late Feb.

Ken Morey knows how to catch ‘em on Seminole.

Jason from KY on a guided Seminole bass trip with C-note Charters

Capt Stan of Shortwater Charters fame continues to put it to reds on the flats with his lovely wife Georgia.

Barron Cox of Tallahassee with a 9-pound Lake Jackson tournament bass

Phillip Hicks, founder of Pool Commander, with an 8-point Bay Co. buck.

Aaron bagging bull reds on the C-note boat.

Steve Rodgers’ catch of a lifetime—a 15.15 lb. giant he caught locally...

The reds in St. Andrews Bay’s stained water have turned a stunning shade of gold!

Emerald Coast Division of the Florida Pro Redfish Series 2018 Team of the Year

Darin Vaughn doing some inshore grouper work on the Adrenaline boat.

Johnny Newsome bagged this 11.5 pound stud recently.

Justin came back to PC this year for more Gulf fishing action.

Henry Hatch, 5, with his first ever redfish!

Cinda making friends with our local sharks

Johnny fishing East Bay for trout got a nice surprise on the C-note boat.

Nikkie Cox with a tagged lionfish off Franklin Co.

Kyle hooked and reeled this one in with no help!

Emily caught this sweet red fishing with her brother, Kyle, and her dad.

AJ’s are in season!

Geno haulin' the AJs in...

AJ’s are in season...

Tim is all smiles with this beast!

AJ’s are in season and there’s some fine ones to be had!

RedFish Catch

Bull Shark caught in Cancun, Mexico - Andrew Grove San Antonio, Texas

Panama City studs

Joe & Lance catching bull reds on light tackle aboard the C-note boat.

John David with a 30lb. king

Jon Blue with a stud Panama City snapper

Some great mahi action

Chris Sabo and Mark O’Laughlin recently took 1st & 2nd respectively with 26 & 22 pounds in their club tourney. Lake Seminole is on FIRE!

Bryson McJunkin snapper fishing with Dad and Capt. Jason

Kevin Iferd can not only fix your car, he might just show up at your next redfish tournament and win it!

Aleta and Alex Cortinas with a cobia caught at Marker 7 aboard Natural World Charters

Mike & Stephanie Hobbs of PC with some big red snapper

Shiela caught this Redfish sight fishing in the grass.

Spring cleaning

Lionfish competition starts soon!

Capt. Steve Bachman haulin' reds with his fishing buddy Moxie.

Mike Shearin from Valdosta, GA, hooked up a redfish

Joe Paoletti and guide Paul Tyre haulin in big Seminole bass.

Capt. Justin Leake showing clients how it’s done here in PC

Shauna with 6lb red

First red snapper !!

Kevin caught this nice Deer Point bass

Nice Haul, Boys!

Matt Webb with a nice slot sized redfish


Big Bull Red!!!


Capt. Jordan Todd with a beast red

Rhonda from AZ with a nice Dead Lakes bass, her first ever!

Capt. Chester with an offshore flounder

Talquin bass taken from the lily pads

Spanish Mackerel Fun

Biggest Redfish

Seminole guide Paul Tyre with a nice bass

Mike got down to business...

Dylan's first ever bass tournament!

9 Spot Christmas Red

Kyle Pridgen with Some Slab Crappie

Even little AJs like this provide big fun for folks visiting Panama City.

Georgia landed this giant bass at Carter’s Tract

Capt. Stan Cooper on point in East Bay

Austin & Anjelica’s first ever reef fishing trip.

Jody was all smiles after finally landing his first ever redfish!

There’s still some big kings to be had...

December Red

Johnny with a nice slot red

John David with a nice Sheepshead

Georgia with a fine bream from the Carter’s Tract

Tyler Gingrich of Panama City fishing Lake Seminole

Spencer, Joe & Scott with some good eats from the bay

Capt Stan with a nice bass from the Carter’s Tract

Tripled Up!!!

Epic Tuna Action!

Mike Jacobs with a nice King Mack

Fishing out of Mexico Beach with Capt. Tew

Travis slayin big Seminole bass

C-note with a fine Chipola River bass

Sight Fishing Red

North Bay Redfish

Britt Cotton with this nice light tackle blackfin tuna

Jennifer, Clayton and James getting it done aboard the C-note boat.

Mary & Justin aboard the C-note boat haulin snapper.

Jeff Caylor and his son Cylus put a few nice ones in the boat.

Tyler is here for training and a little redfish catch & release action

Way to go Eli!

Capt. Jordan Todd and Murphy dog with a nice triple tail

Travis Poole reeled in this marlin aboard Capt. Nathan Graben’s “Reef Dog”

Will gettin’ it done on the Xtreme boat!

Terry and Lance put the smackdown on some bass with Capt. C-note.

Afternoon Redfish

Brody from GA reeled this reef donkey in all by himself...mostly.

Geno & Jeremy from Indiana haulin’ in kings

Vu and Ryan Au from Tucson enjoying an epic day aboard the C-note boat

Johnny smiling because he won the battle!

Dylan Shingler with a respectable lane snapper

Capt. Jason with a nice black snapper

Redfishing in the Panhandle

Multi-Spotted Redfish

Daphne Obert of Panama City with a pair of nice snapper.

Family Fun in East Bay

Arthur with some early season mahi action

Jon, Josh & Brittany on a short trip aboard the C-note boat

Come to Panama City and get bent!

Nice grouper

Sam with a nice East Bay trout.

Ricky and Nick Gatlin got their limit

Oscar from Valdosta, GA playing with reef donkeys

Chris Rushing caught this nice Goose Bayou red.

Ya just can’t fake that smile!

Mike and Stephanie Hobbs with some big snapper

Traci Posey from Leesburg, GA with a big Jack Crevelle

Flying fish!

Capt. Jordan Todd, Rodney Besore finishing strong in a recent Emerald Coast Florida Pro Redfish tournament.

Devyn Jackson of Panama City with another good fish. Nice job Devo!

Jason Edgemon having some king fun with Capt. Jason.

11 year old Jesse Dannels from Ohio with a giant 7.1 lb. Lake Jackson Largemouth.

Wife and daughters first trip for snapper

Steve with a nice bull red

The Kim family hauling Spanish in two at a time.

Capt Jordan Todd out checking off bucket list fish with this nice permit.

Joe & Darcy on a bass-fest aboard the C-note boat.

Austin with the biggest fish he’s ever caught!

Duane with a big trigger

Susan came all the way from Oregon just to say “HI” to one our many reds.

I predict we’ll see more of this in March...

Lake Jackson kickin 'em out!

Andrew Shingler with a nice slot redfish

Adam Peskin, the redfish whisperer

Chasing Bulls, Seeing Red!

There’s some bigguns lurking in our lakes!

J’Nae Mullen with a huge black drum

Jeff Wheeler and his son Aaron do some bass fishing

Looking into the soul of the redfish...

Capt. Jordan Todd and his best friend Murphy Dog nab a red.

Sam with a nice bass