Playas del Coco Fishing Forecast February and March 2016

Playas del Coco Fishing Forecast February and March 2016

Hola Anglers! The Green Season is over and the winds are picking up. This time of year it’s even more important to look at the boat you will be booking. Dream On, for example, is a 10m (33′) BlackFin. Legendary for the way they handle the big water. No lightweight materials used in the hull construction and an aggressively flared hull help her cut through big water with ease and safety. Looking towards February and March we will see larger numbers of sailfish in the waters off the northern Pacific coast. The fishery has been strong for the sails and should improve consistently throughout the next several months. Other species that should start ramping up in February/March are roosterfish, mahi mahi (Dorado) and wahoo. Keep in mind that all species can be caught all year around here, but some months are better than others for some species.

Playas del Coco Fishing
Monster roosterfish can be found lurking around giant over and underwater rock structures.

As we discussed in previous reports, El Nino is having an effect on the fishery. We’ve recorded water temperatures of 88 degrees 20 miles out. It’s been challenging, but Captain Adelso and First Mate Mario have been getting it done. These conditions are expected to last through April 2016 and are affecting weather patterns worldwide.

When fishing in the windy conditions you’ll want lures that make a big splash on the surface or aggressive action for diving lures. There is a lot going on from the fish’s perspective looking up at the choppy water so you need to grab their attention.

Until next time anglers, keep your lines tight!  Pura Vida!

Rick Graham and Jamie Braun