Outdoors Report – Port Aransas to Baffin Bay

By Capt. Javi Castillo

Summertime redfish and flounder has been amazing this year. There are still some big trophy trout being talked but most of them have dumped their eggs and are slim. We have seen 30 inch trout anywhere from 5 1/2 pounds to 7 pounds. The amount of flounder that we are seeing is very exciting for a play systems. We are not just picking them up at one location but at least seven different locations were we are catching multiple flounder. Down south Lures and gamblers have been the most productive.

People always ask me when I’m fishing for flounder what is my tactic. My answer is simple slow it down to where you’re at bumping your Lure on the bottom and not lifting more than 18 inches off the bottom. Flounder in general are very aggressive if you can present to be close enough to them they will attack it. When setting a hook on a flounder you don’t want to sit directly up it’s best to side set as their mouths or sideways.

One thing that absolutely kills me when I see people have big trout or flounder on the rod is high-sticking a fish. If you set your hook with your rod to the left stay to the left. If the fish swims to the right just adjust your feet where your chest is facing the fish at all times. Redfish and trout are great in the badlands and penescal point. The packery channel has drum and nueces has a good trout and redfish. One thing I recommend as for gear is the hellrazor jigheads.