PORT CANVERAL-Pompano, whiting and sheepshead should be a few of the more prevalent species available in the surf zone north of the entrance of the Port and at the north and south jetties for anglers fishing from a boat this month. Look for fish marking on your fish finder just outside of the surf brake if the water temps stay in the middle to lower 60 degree range. Most anglers will anchor or drift along the outside of the surf break while casting ¼ to ½ ounce “pompano” style jigs tipped with a live sand flea or cut piece of shrimp toward the beach. Another good option is a piece of sand flea or crab flavored Fish Bites tipped on your jig. The HookUp brand is one of the more popular jigs that anglers choose to fish with. Good color patterns for these three species include chartreuse, pink, and orange. Anglers may also find these fish holding inside of the Ports basins on days when it is too rough to get outside of the inlet. Flounder, bluefish, and an occasional weakfish may be found near some of the sandy drop offs inside of the middle and west basin this month as well. Live mud minnows, shrimp, and small pilchards or majorra can all be used on a sliding sinker rig for these fish. Plastic tails measuring 3-4 inches are also popular when targeting these three species, especially during warmer periods between cold fronts. Tripletail may be possible outside of the Port if the water temps remain in the upper 60 degree range. Look for these fish near channel markers and any sort of floating debris. Live shrimp, fiddler crabs, and lures or flies that imitate these two types of baits will generally get the tripletail to strike.
Captain Jim Ross