Santa came early for Casey Ryan, fishing in Palm Beach while home on winter break from her freshman year at Furman University. She landed this sailfish off of MacArthur beach while live-baiting goggle eyes in 120’ on a gorgeous sunny morning in South Florida. The sailfish hit the goggle eye at the same time that another sail hit a 2nd outrigger. Casey realized that she was actually pulling in two fish on her single pole – going in separate directions, leaping simultaneously in the air. Eventually, the second sail managed to pull its tangled line apart from the other line, and swam away.
Dad hoisted the sailfish on board to get a shot for the brag board. Casey’s former classmate from high school, Atlanta Hackney was onboard and managed to capture this fantastic shot before Dad executed a flawless release.
The guys back a Furman said, “What? You fish?” I think so!