St. Pete Report Get Your Sheepshead on This Month! By: Capt. Anthony Corcella

The sheepshead have been biting actively around the docks and rock piles around Albert Whitted Airport. Our clients have been catching them in the 13 to 20-inch range.

The preferred setups we utilize for this application are 7-foot Star Rods with an 8 to 15-pound line rating.  The reels are Penn 3500 SSV spooled up with 15-pound braid tipped with 20-pound fluorocarbon leader. On the “business end” of your setup you’ll want a nice-size fiddler crab on a 2/0 Owner hook. Be ready to set the hook as they will be on it almost immediately!

We also hook up a few undersized gag grouper when sheepshead fishing. Although they aren’t keepers, they always give our clients an excellent fight–especially on light tackle.

We have also been catching a large amount of just-undersized mutton snapper in the residential canals. With how many we have been hooking up with, it’s only a matter of time until a lucky client goes home with a tasty prize!

If you’re looking for redfish, you will want to try fishing around the flats located around North Shore Park; we’ve spotted a few smaller schools running in that area. We have been throwing white DOA Cal jigs at them in various jighead sizes (eighth to quarter ounce), as well as cut threadfins.

When using threadfins, cut them in half and then cut their tails off to release the scent. This tactic will help the reds find your bait that much faster.

I just usually free line them out but try not to have any slack in the line. You’ll want to check your bait consistently to make sure it’s still intact.

For this application, we like to use 20-pound fluorocarbon leader with a 3/0 Owner hook. This tactic & setup has also been effective with catching a few nice sized snook around Weedon Island.

Pro Tip- You don’t need to be right on top of the mangroves; I usually stay off of them as much as 50 feet and throw your baits into or right around the white sandy patches.

With these Pro tips, you are now well armed to get out there and catch!


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