Jacksonville Shell Starship Reef Completes Journey

Building a better tomorrow. 

In early November, 1,500 tons of material were deployed as an artificial reef in the St. John’s River out of Jacksonville. The Starship Reef is the result of a partnership between Shell Oil Company, CCA Florida and CCA’s National Habitat Program, the Building Conservation Trust (BCT).

Using Starship, a hyper-aerodynamic, class 8 concept truck that utilizes a variety of fuel-efficient technologies, Shell Lubricants hauled about 40,000 pounds of limestone rock from San Diego to Jacksonville this past June.

Jacksonville Shell Starship Reef Completes Journey

“Through this road trip, we were able to test the Starship truck along with a number of technologies available today and provide insight into what trucking fleets and owner/operators could consider adopting to help reduce fuel use and emissions as they haul heavy loads,” said Carlos Maurer, president, Shell Lubricants Americas. “We were fortunate that our relationship with Building Conservation Trust and CCA Florida made the perfect load available – reef material – that helped us complete our cross-country drive and create a new oasis for ocean life off the Florida coast: the Starship Reef.”

Starship reef will be deployed within the boundaries of the Floyds Folly pre-permitted site at a depth of about 70 feet, just over 20 miles southeast of the mouth of the St. Johns River. There, it will create new marine habitat in a popular angling destination off Jacksonville. This reef will serve as important substrate that will expand habitat for a variety of sea life and provide an easily accessible destination for anglers in search of snapper, gag grouper and black sea bass.

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