Stuart Offshore Fishing Report and Forecast: Sept. 2013

September provides you the best opportunity for a great wahoo bite and knocking that swordfish off your bucket list. Photo credit Capt. Pat Price.
September provides you the best opportunity for a great wahoo bite and knocking that swordfish off your bucket list. Photo credit Capt. Pat Price.

Greetings Martin County, Florida fishing fans! The summer is here for sure and the heat and hot water makes things tough for the majority of our daytime fishing. However, as with August, September provides you the best opportunity for a great wahoo bite and knocking that swordfish off your bucket list.

With before daylight departures and fishing after work until dark, you are focusing your efforts for wahoo at prime time. On August 20th we fished for three hours high speed trolling in the evening from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and had five wahoo bites putting two fish in the 25 pound class in the box. It is not uncommon to catch fish up to 50 pounds this time of year. The week leading up to the full moon is best night-time fishing for swordfish and September is the BEST month to target swordfish.

Photo 2-webIn September, it is not uncommon to have four to five bites in a night of fishing when drifting from Palm Beach to St. Lucie or Ft. Pierce Inlets. Fishing in depths from 1500 to 1800 feet of water with baits staggered at depths between 75 and 300 feet below the surface provides the your best opportunity for catching swordfish. Use squid, blue runners or strip baits for best results and fish lights and glow sticks from 10 to20 feet away from your bait.

Hope to see you out there one evening or night for some great fishing.


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