Summer River Smallies

By Britt Stoudenmire

I often get asked the question; “When is the best time to come fish the New River?” That is not the easiest question to answer because there are so many variables involved. Some anglers don’t mind fishing in the cold, others do. There are anglers focused solely on big fish while others enjoy the numbers bite. Anglers also vary in their experience level and expectations. After many years of fishing the New River, I have come to believe that the best “all-around” time to fish for river smallies is the summer and here are some of my reasons why.

River Conditions

Summer in the Blue Ridge Mountains typically brings stable weather conditions meaning temperatures during the day in the 70’s and 80’s and nighttime lows in the 60’s. Water flows are in the lower range, and water clarity is typically clear. These conditions are near perfect for the “all-around” bite we discussed above. Numbers of smallmouth can reach into the 100 to 150 range on certain days, and there are a fair number of big fish in the 18” to 20”+ range staggered into those numbers to keep things interesting and exciting. It is a perfect time to bring a child or spouse fishing no matter their experience level because there are so many active fish. The scenery is typically superb with much wildlife abound. It is not uncommon to see mink, muskrats, river otters, bald eagles, and ospreys to name a few on any given day on the New River. And when you aren’t busy looking up, the view of the bottom of the 2nd oldest river in the world is staggering with so many ancient rock and ledge formations.

Tip: Don’t forget your camera to capture these magnificent opportunities on film.

Top Water Time

If you had one favorite lure you could pick to catch smallies, how many of you would select a top water lure? The answer would probably be quite a few. Top water lures have long ranked high on anglers’ list of favorite baits, and they tend to be more consistent in the summer months. The Rebel Pop-R, Heddon Tiny Torpedo, and Phillips Crippled Killer are classics that have caught hundreds of thousands of fish over the years. As the summer progresses and water levels drops, smallmouth will trend towards feeding on top. Peak locations for noisy baits such as those mentioned above are across riffles, eddies, and current seams. Smallmouth usually hit these baits on the first or second rip after the bait has landed making for quick and explosive bites.

Tip: If the smallmouth misses the lure, do not jerk, keep doing what you are doing. If you employ this tactic, he will often hit it again. This is easier said than done, but it works.

Fly Fishing

Slower, less busy water, often presents the perfect scenario to fly fish for big smallmouth. Typically, the month of July signifies the start of our fly-fishing season as the annual ‘”dog day” cicadas begin to emerge and die. Big smallies are addicted to these dying cicada bugs and the easy meal they present, and we sight cast to these fish that often eclipse 20” or more. It is an exciting time of the year and can last deep into September during some years. Casting ability is important in having a successful day with 30’ to 40’ casts needed on average. This is not a huge numbers bite, but you will find no better time to pursue some of the biggest smallmouth in the river on the fly and in shallow water. Once that big black glob of a smallmouth sips your bug for the first time, you’ll be addicted for a lifetime.

Tip: Don’t overlook the middle of the day for the big smallmouth cruising slow water banks in search of an easy meal.

The author, Britt Stoudenmire, and his wife Leigh, have been outfitting anglers for fifteen years on the New River in Virginia. They offer both guided fishing trips  ( and waterfront lodging ( 540-921-7438.