The bite has been great this season for pompano, black drum, whiting, and bluefish. With that being said there has been an overwhelming presence of catfish certain days that will undoubtedly make a strong impression on your surf fishing experience. This occurrence is common when the water clarity becomes murky from the relentless northeast swells or southerly winds. Look for days when the swell has subsided and the west or northerly winds has had an opportunity to clean up the clarity. Preferably finding areas where the water color emits shades of blues and greens rather than a brownish murky appearance.
February will continue to see a host of opportunity for surf fishing anglers. If your looking for a diversity of species there in no better time than the winter surf fishing scene. A plethora of species will be pushing up and down the coasts with the fluctuation in water temperature and clarity. Depending on the target species be prepared and flexible to adjust your game plan accordingly. Pompano will be the prized fish for most anglers, and the bait of choice will be live or blanched sand-fleas rigged on your standard two hook pompano rigged with floats. When targeting pompano look for clean water, rip currents that create run-outs, and try to fish on either side of a high tide, hours before and after can be critical. While targeting pompano be on the lookout for black drum, sheepshead and whiting that could also be lying in wait for your crustacean laced pompano rig! If you want to pull on a fish and aren’t having luck with the species stated above then don’t hesitate to cast a rod out using cut mullet to increase your chances for a bluefish, redfish, or jack crevalle.
Captain Lukas Brickweg