The Casting Corner Do You Want The Long or Short Version?

By Rene J. Hesse

While getting my training as a certified casting instructor with the FFF, (Now known as the Fly Fishers International), there was an understanding between the student and mentor. When a question was asked, the student would give the short answer. Then, if the mentor wanted to see how much more they know on a subject, he would ask for more in-depth information. This was good for both student and mentor.

From the student’s side, he might get a pass on something that was very technical. That’s if they explained the answer in a clear, concise, confident manor. The mentor can tell if it is worth going deeper to engage, or spare himself/herself the rambling of someone trying to dig his way out of a situation. Here is an example of a good short answer vs long answer.

Mentor: How do you cast a narrow loop?
Student: Keep the rod tip on a straight-line path.

M: How do you keep your rod tip on a straight line path?
S: By using the 5 essentials

M: What are the 5 essentials?

M: What the heck is that?
S: S – Straight line path of the rod tip on all planes.
S – Slack- Remove slack from the casting sequence.
S – Stoke size- Short cast short stroke, long cast long stroke.
P – Power application is a smooth constant rate of acceleration to a stop.
P – Pause- Let the line extend without losing tension or falling too far.

Mentor: Okay, let’s get a beer.