The Ultimate Fishing Excursion


The Ultimate Fishing Excursion

Capt. Simon Black

Sometimes, seeking a little knowledge can be a dangerous proposition. Or simply put, the worst vice is… advice!

A fishing addicted neighbor, a dermatologist who makes great money removing sun spots from old people’s faces, left me a phone message saying he needs to talk… about the ultimate fishing excursion. I secured the perfect meeting place at a waterside watering hole, and when we sat down I saw the look of exasperation on the Doc’s face.

“Work is killing me, I’ve got to take some time off. Hey, Captain, what is the ultimate fishing excursion? I want to take a trip somewhere fun, just fishing, me and my son.”

Beginning to tear up, my emotions interrupt with, “Say no more—a complete saltwater fishing excursion with real long-term take-away value, not so much in the quantity or size of fish but the quality time, you know what old timers call “makin’ memories.” Searching for an affirmation, I throw in, “Can you concur Doctor?

“YES! I concur!” he replies.

I begin with, “Well, we’ll need some parameters. You being a man of means, I’m thinking we take money out of the equation? Sound good?”

“No money; no problem,” Doc responds.

“So, you can fish anywhere… where do you go?” I ask.

He pauses, and then, “I want to go on a trip like the guy who hunts river monsters, what’s his name again?  Jersey Wade!”

I begin to giggle, but stop and take the time to correct him, “Jersey Mike makes sandwiches, Jeremy Wade catches fish. Remember, the sacrifices he makes in search of fish are too big for the average angler.”

Lost in thought, he responds with, “Ok, no Jersey Mikes… let’s keep it fun.”

Before I can start again, a father and son come up and start fishing directly in front of us, reminding me that for budget-minded anglers or anglers with small kids, anything caught off the dock, anywhere, qualifies as a successful fishing excursion.

By this time I am well-oiled and hand over my car keys saying, “Have you thought of: sharks on light tackle, grouper fishing, halibut or salmon in Alaska, bonefishing in the Bahamas, fly fishing for permit in the keys?”

He snaps back, “Done it; too far; way too quiet.”

I chime right back in, “Did I mention all things tuna, stripers up north, reds down south?”

The Doc stops me here with, “Think bigger Cappy, more like rooster fish fun.”

“OK, Doc, these beers and my internal compass are heading south,” after a longish pause, I start back in with, “What about Tropic Star lodge, Los Suenos or… marlin fishing in Cabo? Maybe just red snapper fishing in the Gulf?”

He says, “Now we’re talking Captain, but if you had only one to take? How ’bout a favorite trip?”

One sip left as it turned out, “Me? I’ll take fishing for tarpon, silver kings, in the Boca Grande Pass, accommodations at South Seas, and the bar at Cabbage key. You know… sunsets preferred.”

Capt. Simon Black can be found and questioned at www.Boat

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