Want To Be A Guide?

catch2Part Two

For or years I have heard a few people mention to me that they want to be a fishing guide! There are more things to consider other than fishing areas and you must poses the passion for teaching and the love to fish. That moment that your customer or customers catch their fish of a lifetime. What’s more exciting is trying to catch that on a video so they can treasure that moment for as long as they want to. It is also important to keep an eye on the weather and make a good judgment call on rescheduling a trip if Mother Nature doesn’t core operate.

The safety of your customers is more important that risking it on the bay. Sometimes it does take a lot to get up in the morning but when you’re up and ready and you hook your first catch you forget how tired you are. The passion for teaching others and the how to for this sport is what will separate one from another.

I enjoy taking people of all ages out and seeing their first catch and land their personal best fish is reward in its self. Another thing to consider is knowing any other guides that are on the water near you so if you need assistance in getting back to the boat launch for any reason you can call for help. Also it is a good idea to have a great relationship with your sponsors and or mechanic to keep your maintenance up on your rig or gear. There are several more items to consider but it all starts with you – your passion – your desire.

If you’re in the Galveston area and looking to book a trip give me a call at 832-887-8453 or visit my FB page @ Acosta’s Guide Service.

Rippn Lipz n Bendingrodz.

Remember to send in your pictures for the brag board, see you on the water.