War Veterans Get Recognition at Holidays For Heroes’ Gala

By Coastal Angler Writer
In September, the non-profit organization Nantucket Holidays for Heroes held its 2nd annual American Dream Gala on Nantucket, raising more than $300K to support our war heroes and help them realize their dreams through the American Dream grant program. Holidays for Heroes was established to provide wounded veterans and their families with a Nantucket vacation to aid in the healing process. The recently established American Dream grant goes even further by providing grants to wounded veterans to allow them to pursue their own small business goals.
Entertainment at the annual gala was provided by MusiCorps Wounded Warrior Band, a group of wounded war veterans led by Arthur Bloom, a Top 10 2014 CNN Hero. Bloom established MusiCorp as a music rehabilitation program for severely wounded soldiers who are recovering at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
Over 400 supporters attended the event which featured a silent auction, as well as special pledges to the American Dream Fund. During the event, several heroes and grant recipients shared their stories of their life post-discharge and the continued rehab from their injuries that impacts their lives every day.



(From left to right) Dr. Diane Pearlwith husband State Rep Tim Madden, Cheryl Bartlett Co-Chair of Nantucket Holidays for Heroes Board, Congressman Keating with wife Mrs. Keating and MA Secretary of Veteran’s Services Coleman Nee.


From left to right) Tom McCann, Founder and Co-Chair of Nantucket Holidays for Heroes Board, Cheryl Bartlett and Coleman Nee.


Congressmen Keating speaking to attendees of Nantucket’s Holidays for Heroes American Dream Gala.
