Welcome to the April Issue

Welcome to the April issue of Coastal Angler Magazine’s Okeechobee edition. Winter is finally gone and the waters are beginning to warm back up. That should be good news for both the fish and the fishermen alike. Unfortunately, April also marks the beginning of the return flight of our resident snow-birds.

I know in my lakeside community in Sebring that by mid-April, the vast majority of our winter guests will be back on the road heading to their northern homes. We wish them Godspeed and a safe trip home. From all indications it’s been a good season and many new friends were made.

For those that remain, outdoor activities still remain strong with bass and speck fishing responding well to the warming waters and hunting returns with the Spring Turkey Season. Camping, canoeing, and kayaking are still enjoyable with the warmer temperatures and continued absence of our local mosquito population.

For event goers, the festival season is coming to a close and you’ll need to start travelling greater distances to find your fix of corndogs and funnel cakes. However there are still some events to attend such as the Sugar Festival in Clewiston and the Black Gold Jubilee in Belle Glade that celebrate the recent sugarcane season and its heritage. April closes out with Sunfest, the annual 5-day music extravaganza on the intercoastal in downtown West Palm Beach. If you love music, this is a must see event.

Finally, just a reminder that April marks the beginning of alligator breeding season. Typically courtship begins in early April with mating taking place in mid-May to early June. Hatchlings will emerge in late June and into July. So gators will be on the move, I even saw one crossing Hwy 98 the other day, so whether hiking, boating, or hunting, be mindful of breeding alligators.

In closing, it’s been a nice winter but spring is finally here, so get outside and enjoy our great outdoors.