What Are You ‘Wading’ For?

By Stephen Tomasovich

What do you think about when you are wading? If it is only where your next step will be, you are missing a lot of information.

Positioning – make sure you wade to areas that allow for the best drifts without having to work too hard mending your line. Fish near to far – working away from you, both across and upstream. This will keep you from over-lining fish. Always fish a productive area from both sides if possible. Several runs that I fish often produce more bites from one side on one day, and the other side on other days.

Water Reading – pay attention to the way the current feels on your legs, specifically how much push you feel. If I stand in an area that has swift water pushing my thighs but I feel little resistance from the knees down, I know this is good holding water. It means the trout can sit close to bottom away from predators in slower water but have faster current bringing food to them close by. If you hang your fly on an obstruction or stumble over a large rock take note: That same pain in the rear log or boulder may be home to a hog.

Direction – avoid the path of least resistance. I have used this analogy many times but if you watch anglers wade a stretch of river and plot their path on a map, it would look like a hurricane prediction map. Most folks are going to take a similar route. Be aware of this and take the extra steps to get to those productive areas that are less pressured.

Equipment – Have the right footwear for the right conditions. Lightweight boots are great for long hikes in to fish small streams. Felt bottom boots with studs are ideal for slippery conditions. Personally, I like to carry a wading staff for balance, to check water depth, and beat my flies out of trees every once in a while.

Safety – above all, know your limitations. Only take risks if someone else is with you and alert them first that you are working an area that is difficult, so they can keep an eye out for you. Be super-cautious the further you get from a vehicle and medical care, and in inclement weather. Use the USGS water gauge services on the internet, if they have them for the river you’re fishing, to check flows and water levels and if you fish a tailwater, understand the water release schedules.

Fish On! – Big T

Stephen “Big T” Tomasovich is the owner of Big T Fly Fishing, Outfitter and Ecommerce Fly Shop. Visit them at 106 Grand Ave, Suwanee, Georgia, or look them up online at bigtflyfishing.com.