Wow, time flies! 2013 is almost over…is it December already?
Well, speckled trout fishing is heating up with the temperatures falling and the flounder fishing in November was great with multiple slams (flounder, trout and drum) caught on many of the trips last month.
Trout will be moving into the deeper holes at the end of the month, but during the earlier days, you still will find them in the shallows where there is current. I look for areas with seams and back eddies and work MirrOlures on the swing there. Most strikes will come at the end of the swing. When fishing with grubs, I fish with the lightest lead head I can, popping them off the bottom with a sharp snap. Your bite will usually come on the fall and only be a small “tick.” As a rule, you will catch more trout on grubs, but the nicer ones will come on MirrOlures. Don’t overlook the jetties and the wall…there is some great fishing there and nighttime fishing can produce some big fish.
Flounder will move to the ocean for the most part but some will still be found on the inside. Falling tides in the creek mouths is where I like to look for them. Mud minnows on the bottom or Gulp rigged on a worm hook work well and will produce a nice dinner here and there.
Red drum will still be on the inside flats, but you will need to fish slower for them. Bait such as cut mullet, live mud minnows and shrimp, along with “dead sticking” Gulp baits, are your best bet. On warm days they will be more active, and during the middle of the day, topwater baits and gold lures are very effective for them. This is also the time they move into the ocean. With the clear water, you should be able to find them in the surf. The same baits listed above will all work well, but I like to use MirrOlures like the Catch 2000 or the MR 17 in Red (#26) and the PIN colors, which are very effective for them.
You will find the stripers in the Cape Fear River. Trolling with deep-diving baits is a great way to find them. For fishing in the shallower water and in small creeks, I like small swim baits, big grubs, Rattletraps and MR17 MirrOlures. On the high tides, I fish next to the steep banks. Then, as the water falls, I move to the mouths of the creeks.
With the waters getting cold, fish with a partner. If the unexpected were to happen, your odds will be better of surviving a unsuspected dive over the boat. Be safe on the water,
Capt Lee