Lake Okeechobee Fishing Forecast – June 2020

Lake Okeechobee’s water level is around the 11ft. mark. Navigating the Big O safely has almost become impossible and very time consuming having to idle in and out to get to the grass edges. With that said, fishing the Kissimmee River and canals this time of year is the most productive and safest place to fish. These areas are productive catching bass; bluegill; shell crackers; fingerling catfish; cichlids and oscars. You can still catch crappie but it is best early in the mornings fishing around structure. For speck fishing use artificial lures and/or live minnows. The choice of bait to use for pan fish and the fingerling catfish is red worms. Use live-bait (wild shiners) and artificial lures for bass.

We are approaching the rainy season which means moving water going into/out of the lake via the Kissimmee River which can provide a good starting point to fish. The two safest boat ramps to use on the North-end are Scott Driver and Harney Pond canal. If you don’t know the lake either hire a guide or fish the canals (J&S and Taylor Creek and the Kissimmee River). Plastic lure colors for bass can be June bug; redbug; watermelon red; green pumpkin; crawdad and white, depending on water clarity. Hard baits like crank baits; top water and rattle traps can be the shad; crawdad; bluegill and shiner colors. Live-crickets and red wigglers are best for bluegill and shell crackers; red-worms for fingerling catfish and cichlids. Yes, red wigglers and worms are two different types.

To book your fun-filled and productive day on the water call/ text me at 863-228-7263 or log onto my newly revised website at where you’ll find past fishing reports; guide trip information; hotel accommodations and etc. Capt. Angie’s Sponsors are: Mercury marine; G-Loomis; Lews; Pradco Brands; Gill; Maui-Jim; Real Magic; BnM Poles; Mid-South tackle; Bullet Weights; Mega Strike and Gene Larew.