Spring has arrived! Whether you’re just getting into the outdoor hobby or an avid angler, this is the time of year that you can’t miss. Bait will be all over the flats. All three major species will be schooled up, and we should have great weather until the summer storms come in.
You should still be able to target some of the gator trout before they move on to other territory. For live bait, use whitebait or jumbo shrimp. Put it under a bobber with about a 2-foot spread. Use 20-pound leader paired up with a 1/0 hook and you should be good to go.
Redfish are loaded up all over the flats and creeks. This time of year, you should have no problem getting a dozen redfish to the boat. Start checking mangroves where deep pockets are dug out, as well as, stand-alone bushes. That will be where these fish are schooled up. Make sure you creep up slowly and keep the noise at a minimum, because they are very skittish.
Snook will begin to come out of the back creeks and go to where fast-moving water is around points and structure. Throw your bigger baits, if you’re trying to target snook. Use at least a 40-pound leader and a 2/0 circle hook. Try to target your snook first thing in the morning or at dusk. Tides play a role in their eating habits, but your best chances are during low light conditions.
Remember that all three inshore species are still catch and release, only in Pasco county.