Kayak Fishing

By: Eric Henson

Last month, I was talking about how our weather patterns have been the same as last years, so far, hot and dry!  Well, not so much anymore with all the torrential rainfall this past month, and it has really changed things up! Not only has it cooled the water temps down a little, but it has also clouded up the water’s clarity. However, this can be good in some ways, especially when it comes to fishing, using artificial lures.

Currently, it’s pee wee “small” shrimp season so artificial lures can be your best friend this time of year when used correctly. I generally stay with the natural colors such as tan, white, root beer and grey tones. One thing to always remember besides matching the hatch shrimp, crustaceans, and bait fish, is to remember that the darker the water clarity, the darker the color bait you need to use.

Next, always look in the water around you in the location you’re fishing to see what size lure you should present to them. If you are seeing good size mullet cruising around don’t be afraid to beef up your lure size. But, if you are mostly seeing little fry bait popping or flickering around, drop down to much smaller plastics. For the avid fly fisher, this is always a good time to feed them a fly or bug that you’ve tied up just for that exact moment!

All this being said, go out there and have fun with it and don’t be afraid to think outside of the box. Think like a fish and you are bound to catch some! Until next time stay safe and hydrated out there. Respect your fellow anglers and fisheries so that everyone can enjoy our amazing resource.