Adventures in Boating pt. 2

by Tiffany Packard

Success(ish)! We got out on the water and it is as glorious as I thought!  Wind in my hair, the sun is shining…a little nervous so we don’t go too far, lucky for us…  We were fishing in shallow water and had to bring the trim up so we didn’t get stuck.  As we are packing up to leave, the trim will not go down. Luckily, we didn’t have the entire prop out of the water so we were able to limp back slowly. We still had some bait left and decided to pull off close to the mangroves, near the inlet through which we had to return.  We fished, but nothing was biting except for sting rays and catfish- NOT what we had in mind.  The sun is setting so we pull the anchor and low and behold the boat will not start.  I am nothing close to mechanically inclined, so I have no clue what the problem is.  All I know is I am so close to home I could probably swim back at this point and was about ready to call Sea Tow.  FINALLY, the motor started after several frantic calls to some boating friends and my new best friend, the boat mechanic.  Apparently two-stroke engines are a bit temperamental-just what I need!  Wouldn’t you know as we start to move the trim rights itself magically and we are good to go.  Ah, it feels good when stuff works!  Docking the boat only took three or four attempts and never mind we almost completely took out the dock in the process.  I heard later my neighbors were watching, while cringing and laughing at the same time – thanks for the help my friends!  The day could best be described as frantic episodes of panic, driven rage sprinkled with brief interludes of peace and serenity with good friends and family.  Maiden voyage complete but NOT a complete success.

Again, I may not be the one to call if you have mechanical trouble or for the best fishing spots…BUT if you are looking for a gorgeous home to park your treasured vessel behind, I’m your girl!  Call me today to begin your Real Estate Journey!  239-989-3198 or email me at