Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself

By: Vinny “Commish” Ferreri

Founder and Commissioner of Queen City Kayak Bass Fishing LLC

You have seen it happening. You have heard about it from your friends. You know your neighbor does it. You think you want to try it, but have no idea where to start. What is IT? Well, kayak fishing, that’s what! Why is kayak fishing blowing up all around you? Kayak fishing is gaining popularity because it is a fun, affordable way to get out on the water, fish, and enjoy Mother Nature.  Even if you are not fishing, being on the water in a kayak is one of the most relaxing ways to spend a cool morning or a beautiful sunset.  Any angler you know will give you the same story. Fishing from the bank, or a pond is fun, but nothing compared to being able to get to untouched, unfished waters.  It’s how I started. I purchased a cheap sit in kayak from a big box store; I grabbed my two rods, and ventured into Lake Wylie.  I remember landing my first decent sized bass in a kayak. I think that bass is the reason I am where I am today.

Many people ask me, what do I need to get started? In all, honestly the answer is very simple. Starting out does not need to be complicated.  I am a believer in you get what you pay for, but sometimes, any kayak that fits your budget will have to be how you start.  So find your budget, purchase a safe sit on top kayak, maybe one built for fishing.  It will offer mounting options for rod holders and other gear, and usually has an upgraded seat. Purchase a Personal Flotation Device, one that will fit you, and be comfortable enough for you to wear all day. A good paddle, remember, this is your motor.  A white light, and a whistle for safety reasons and the laws in the Carolinas require it.  I personally would also have a first aid kit on board.  Other than that, everything is optional! A handful of items and you are ready to hit the water! Many anglers use some sort of crate behind them to store fishing gear, Plano boxes, plastics, water and snacks, etc.  Rod holders are usually attached to the crate as well, keeping your precious fishing rods safe while you land the big one.

Where do I fish? The great thing about a kayak is you really do not need a big boat ramp to launch. Any pond, creek, or water you legally have access to, is the perfect place to start. Google will tell you all of the public launches on your large home waters. Find yourself a small cove or section of the lake to start, and get out and go fishing! The sport of kayak fishing will slow you down as an angler. You cannot cover a bunch of water like you can in a bass boat.  You will get used to picking apart a section of a lake, or a piece of structure really well.  Fishing, hooking, fighting, and landing the fish in a kayak is awesome!! You are right there for all of the action! Jumping at eye level, splashing you when the fish is near the kayak, lying on your lap when you land it! It hits all of your senses and is a huge adrenaline rush!

It is inevitable, you are going to love kayak fishing. You will want to go all the time. So now what?  You need a friend, or a group to share these experiences with.  This is where I come in.  I am Vinny Ferreri. I am 33 years old, married, and have an amazing 7 year old daughter who loves the water.  I have been teaching Physical Education in CMS for the past 11 years.  I got into kayak fishing as I described above, wanting to get off the bank.  A good friend and coworker at the time invited me out in a kayak and I fell in love with the sport.  Thank you “Koop Masta”. I fished from a kayak with a group of guys for a few months, but being the competitive junkie that I am, I had to jump into the kayak bass fishing tournament scene.  I fished a few smaller events around Charlotte for a year or so. Then I jumped into some bigger events throughout North Carolina.   Being a PE teacher, I was used to running events, tournaments, planning and things like that.  I felt that things could be run different and felt like the city of Charlotte was hungry for a competitive series close to home.  I started planning and in 2014 I started the Queen City Kayak Bass Fishing organization.  We are finishing our 5th year of the trail.  We are the largest tournament series in North and South Carolina, as well as the best paying. We offer up a minimum of $1000 first place prizes every month.  This season we are averaging 70 anglers per month at our events.  We fish multiple charity events every season, always making sure to give back to our city, and our anglers.  This club is full of amazing anglers, but also amazing people; people who have no issue with taking out the new angler; the new to kayaking person who reaches out. At QCKBF we are here to spread the love of the sport and if you are new to the sport, I strongly encourage you to join our Facebook page, reach out, and come join us for some fun.  We don’t pressure anyone to join tournament fishing – we know it’s not what all anglers care to do.  We have had numerous camping trips, family events, and just days on the water together.  The page has close to 2000 local kayak anglers on it; you are bound to make a friend, someone to enjoy the outdoors with. You can also check the website at for local events and things we have going on.

I have been in the sport for over 7 years now.  I am affiliated with numerous companies in the industry.  I can help put you in the proper kayak, with the right gear and safety equipment.  I love watching the sport grow, and I am always open to helping the new person out. If you have never tried kayaking, or kayak fishing, please reach out to me and or QCKBF.  We can get you on the water, show you some tips and tricks and I am sure you will enjoy yourself.  Tight lines!!!
