The 2018 recreational bay scallop season for Dixie County and a portion of Taylor County opens June 16 and will remain open through Sept. 10. This includes all state waters from the Suwannee River to the Fenholloway River.Editorial Staff
Since 1986, Texas Parks and Wildlife’s Toyota ShareLunker Program has invited anglers to receive recognition and prizes for their catches heavier than 8 pounds.Editorial Staff
The key to Alabama’s phenomenal red snapper fishing is the more than 1,000 square miles just off the coast that are designated artificial reef zones.Editorial Staff
FWC instituted a new season structure for 2018. ...the greater amberjack season in Florida state waters of the Gulf is closed through June and July. It will reopen Aug. 1 and remain open through Oct. 31.Editorial Staff
South Carolina legislators enacted new regulations in May for striped bass in the Santee River system. The changes extend the period in which striped bass may be caught and implement a slot limit for keeper fish. Editorial Staff
On February 8, a group of anglers celebrating Lucas Tapper's 21st birthday off Southwest Australia hooked a massive cobia weighing 175.49 pounds. If certified by the IGFA, this catch would surpass the 40-year-old all-tackle world record of 135 pounds 9 ounces.Editorial Staff
Palaniuk showcased his expert angling techniques, ultimately securing the championship with an impressive final weight. His victory marks a significant achievement in his career, further solidifying his reputation as one of the top competitors in the world of professional bass fishing. Editorial Staff