Fishing Academy Benefits From Industry Support

By John Hoffman

A great flounder catch pictured with their proud captor!

Running a non-profit fishing charity isn’t as easy as most people think. Getting large groups out on the water requires planning, if you don’t have enough space to safely fish, it can lead to a frustrating day of tangled lines. Insurance requirements to take hundreds of anglers out is costly and finding funders who understand your mission is vital to introducing new generations into this great sport.

While the mission at The Fishing Academy is to get people out fishing, our main focus is in youth development. Kids that participate in programs learn life-skills such as, teamwork, patience, discipline, self-confidence, communication and respect. We also provide job opportunities to six teenagers each summer, letting them learn that responsibility and hard work are a stepping stone to success. Support from the fishing industry allows us to fulfill our goals and mission.

Recently, our organization received a tremendous opportunity from Mr. Edward Feldsott of Bimini Bay Outfitters and the Folsom Corporation. Through a mutual friend, Greg Gibbs, the harpooner from the Wicked Tuna show, Ed invited us out to the Folsom warehouse in New Jersey. I was like a kid in a candy store looking at every kind of plug, lure, swivel, rod, reel and just about every accessory you could imagine!

This happy group showed off their flounder catches!

Ed supplied The Fishing Academy with everything we needed for our program and this past week we were able to test out rods, reels and rigs on a trip for homeless United States Veterans, who caught over 40 flounder in Boston Harbor. The next day we used the new equipment to introduce a group of Girl Scouts to the sport of fishing at Jamaica Pond in Boston, where we caught and released over 100 fish.

The partnership with Folsom is a win for everyone. People like Ed Feldsott know the importance of bringing new generations of anglers into the sport. Providing our organization with equipment saves the charity much needed funding, every dollar we save helps another kid attend camp. With continued support from the industry, we can provide quality programming that keeps kids safe, while putting smiles on their faces. We will help them develop into future leaders of their communities, so that someday they will create positive opportunities for the next generation. With partners like Folsom and Coastal Angler Magazine, our mission can be accomplished.

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