From the Publisher – July 2021

The summer has officially arrived. It’s only going to get hotter from now through at least the end of September. … Jun 30th, 2021
CAPT. THOMAS H. DYER, February 29, 1949 - May 5, 2021

From the Publisher – June 2021

This issue is dedicated to the memory of our Uncle Tom. He was a humble and generous man that was … Jun 1st, 2021

From the Publisher – May 2021

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there! Be sure to thank your mother for all she does and … May 1st, 2021

From the Publisher – April 2021

Spring has definitely sprung and the next few months will bring us some of the best fishing of the year. … Apr 1st, 2021

From the Publisher – February 2021

Passion is a word that can bring to mind many things. February is the month of hearts, flowers and chocolate … Feb 1st, 2021

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