From the Publisher – January 2021

Well, we’ve completed another trip around the sun and as the Grateful Dead sang, what a long strange trip it’s … Dec 31st, 2020

From the Publisher – December 2020

We’re in the home stretch of this anomaly of a year. With all that we have been through in 2020, … Dec 1st, 2020

From the Publisher – November 2020

This month completes our fourth year as the publisher of Coastal Angler Fort Lauderdale. Our 48th issue will be hitting … Nov 1st, 2020

From the Publisher – October 2020

October has always been one of my favorite months to fish here in South Florida. We are past the dog … Oct 1st, 2020

From the Publisher – September 2020

In many parts of the country, Labor Day weekend is considered the last weekend of summer. Certainly, that’s not the … Sep 1st, 2020

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