By: Chasten Whitfield
I was contact about a 10-yr old girl that has started a charity called Abby’s Love. They would love for Abby and I to meet as they are also a fishing family. Once I heard of her charity, Abby’s Dad and I set a date to go out fishing to talk. We had just nosed out the intercostal about 5:30 a.m. and to the gulf side right off the beach we immediately saw birds diving. I load the net up as my mom noses me up to the beach and just as I release the net she immediately backs the boat up with some force as the rollers are coming quick from behind us. One more time and we had a ton of bait! Time to pick up Abby and her mom. I needed some fast action and we went to the beach for mackerel, however, the slow rollovers were getting much bigger. I decided to not even try here and head back inshore to areas with canals, rocks, and mangroves. Two seconds after we throw out bait, Abby catches a little grouper and after releasing this fish Abby told me about her work. She makes little bags to cheer up children who might be in a scary situation. She takes them to police and fire stations where First Responders then put these bags in their vehicles. When they get called to a car crash, domestic violence or whatever the case is, if there are kids involved, they give these children a bag to ease their tension. “If the kids are scared, these bags can help take some of that feeling away, and I try to make the bags bright and colorful with a stamp, some stickers coloring book, crayons and a little toy. “ About the same time Abby and I double up on two grouper, release them, talked more, we immediately hook up on a mack, then a jack, then another mackerel. I was proud of what Abby was doing as she has already given out over 900 bags in a year! I asked her how I can help and she explained she needs more funding as she has already reached out to her friends and family to make the bags she has made in the past. I set up my camera to try to help her get the word out and decided we would hold an event around thanksgiving to help generate some funds for her to purchase more supplies for these Abby Love bags. If you are able to donate or have items that she can include in her bag she can take those donations as well. Please keep an eye out on my social media to come out to our event in November/December and help Abby’s love. Here is Abby’s Love social media pages for more information. ❤️