My Fishing Adventures
By Christopher Sprague Jr. Angler-Team Tuppens, Contributing Writer
Photo compliments of Leonard Bryant.
Hello anglers,
Hope you all have been fishing a lot lately and catching even more. We haven’t been doing too much fishing since we do not have a boat to use. However, soon we will have the Nor-Tech 392 Superfish, and we will be able to fish! I am so excited; it’s such a fast, well-built boat and I cannot wait to fish some tournaments on it. Although we haven’t been able to fish much, Tuppens did host the 13th annual Lake Worth Fishing Charity Tournament. There were 31 boats signed up and it was nice to have this tournament since not many were going on. A lot of our friends came and fished the tournament. Overall, it went super smoothly, and the winning fish was a 26 pound king. The fishing conditions during the tournament weren’t the best. Lots of weeds offshore made it almost impossible to wahoo fish or troll. A lot of decent kingfish were caught, and despite the bad weed conditions, two nice wahoo were also caught. It was a great time, and the crowd was lively. Everyone got in the raffle, stayed for the awards, and had some awesome barbeque by Firehouse Grill compliments of the Palm Beach Yacht Center. We are looking forward to hosting this event next year and I encourage everyone to fish in it. It’s a laid back, fun tournament and you will have a great time with your friends and family.