LOCAL FISHING TOURNAMENTS Silver Sailfish DerbyOhana Salty Classic Fishing TournamentStrong Finish to Summertime Wahoo Series WHAT’S NEW IN PALM BEACH COUNTYFishing in the MomentManatee Lagoon hosts first-ever hybrid ManateeFest celebration with free family fun, in-person and onlineJr. Angler FISHING REPORTS FROM LOCAL GUIDESJupiter Inlet InshoreKayak FishingLake Okeechobee READ THE PALM BEACH COUNTY E-MAGAZINE LOCAL TIDE CHARTS OTHER OUTDOOR ACTIVITIESEcoTourismRoad Trip Fishing: Eye Opener HmmOn the Range PALM BEACH COUNTY BRAGBOARDELLE with a snookFished all around Lake Toho, but just before we went in…Marathon WahooWahoo on MonoBlackfinTarpon 90 plus# Phipps beach west palmYailina and her barracudaFall fishing FloridaMahiWahooIMG_5480On military leaveCobia Back Deck of Country Club boatHuge snookFirst WahooClown Knife FishClown Knife Fish6-18-2022Parker's Mutton SnapperWaaaahhhoooooStud Jack on Juno PierZavier Montes reeled in this awesome redfish in Flamingo.Jax with a goliath grouper on a trip to Chokoloskee.Mason Beller and a big permit caught in the surf in Key West.Victoria Beller with a beautiful yellow jack in Key West.Anthony & Dominic on Lake Wellington with some nice bass.8 year old, Kiani from Boynton Beach caught this delicious mahi.Kerry Mayko of Lantana caught this 42 inch snook on 15lb. mono with a live mullet just north of the Boynton Beach Inlet.Emily Hanzlik with a beautiful sailfish!GIANT Catfish!Tim Schloesser caught this beautiful yellowtail snapper off of Singer Island in 80-100 feet of water using chicken rigs with cut cigar minnows.Matt Kane with twin vermilion snappers caught with a bottom dropping rig and squid bait at 290 feet out of Boynton Beach Inlet.Joe Eichenlaub, Adryana Eichenlaub, Violet Van Vorst, Mason Parker, and Avi Parkmond had a successful day!