My Fishing Adventures
By Christopher Sprague Jr. Angler-Team Tuppens, Contributing Writer
during the West Palm Beach Fishing Club Pop Up Tournament.
Recently we fished the West Palm Beach Fishing Club pop up tournament. We woke up that morning, loaded the truck, and headed out. Once we got out on the ocean and past Boynton inlet, we saw just how beautiful it was out; flat and calm, and a nice sunrise spread everywhere around us. We headed to our normal Juno/Jupiter spot and immediately set out our baits consisting of goggle eyes, runners, and small bait. It did not take long before we got our first bite. When we got it to the boat, we found it was a small king. We kept fishing and caught a few more small ones. Later, we moved more inshore to shallower water. We set out only goggle eyes this time since we heard that runners do not work as well at this spot, 30 minutes later we had a bite! The reel screamed, and Jason got on the rod. My dad was the gaff man, and I oversaw captaining the boat to the fish. We got him near, and my dad stuck him. We got him in the boat and saw he was decent, around 20 pounds. We kept fishing there and got a few smaller kingfish. After a while we got a weird bite on the flatline gog, Jason got it to the boat, and we had an 8-pound mutton snapper! Our 2 big fish were 21 and 17 pounds. Overall, we had a great day out on the water, and nothing beats that!