Lake Lanier Striper Fishing Report: March 2014

By Captain Clay Cunningham

The striper fishing on Lake Lanier is beginning to really wake up and will get better and better in March as the water temperature rises. As always for this time of year, the weather is changing rapidly so there will be really good days and really tough days. Especially with the big fish, it is hard to say which of these days will be best. Over the years, some of my biggest fish have come on days when conventional fishing wisdom says stay at home. You will never catch a trophy waiting on the perfect day. Get out and go whenever possible. I don’t know of anyone who knew they were going to catch a record before they left the house. The big fish are always a surprise and a gift.

The big fish are beginning to prepare for the spawn, increasing their metabolism and making them more susceptible to anglers. Furthermore, the big fish are feeding in the shallow warmer water making them less likely to snag in the deeper timber of Lake Lanier. Right now, the bigger fish are coming on live bait pulled on freelines and planer boards 120 feet behind the boat. The best bait will change with water temperature and conditions. Be prepared to pull threadfin shad, herring, and gizzard shad. Talk to the guys at the local bait shops and take their advice. The best bait changes rapidly and they will always know the best bait. You will not get many bites right now doing this pattern but it is by far the most productive period of the year to catch a striper over 30 pounds. A couple stripers over forty pounds have already been caught in the last couple weeks. I will not be surprised if I hear any day the lake record has been broken. In the last few years people have come really close to breaking the record. It is only a matter of time before it is broken again.

March will also be a great month to catch the stripers at night. As the shallows continue to warm, the bait will also pull shallow. At night you will want to cast lures right up on the bank. The stripers will explode on the lures sometimes in less than five feet of water making huge explosions. The best lures will be Long A Bombers in pink, glow, and black depending on the amount of moonlight. Other lures that will work are Sebile Star Shiners and Spro Mcsticks. This can be some of the best fishing of the year. Always be sure to be safe and keep your running lights on at all times at night. See you out there.

Captain Clay Cunningham
Catching Not Fishing Guide Service