Lake Lanier Striper Fishing Report: Oct 2013

by Clay Cunningham

The striper fishing has been very good recently. The cooler weather really has the stripers fired up for the fall feeding frenzy. Over the next month, look for the stripers to feed on topwater baits. The best topwater bait so far this month has been the Sebile Slim Stick in Sea Chrome. So far, the bite has been way better than normal. Other traditional topwater baits are also working, but the Sebile appears to be catching bigger fish. The south end has been producing more fish, but with each passing week more and more fish will show up on the north end of the lake as well as in the rivers. This is also a good time to catch a trophy fish in the rivers. In the rivers, we will be fishing freelines with herring, trout and gizzard shad. Check with your local bait store like Hammonds or Oakwood Bait and Tackle for the bait of choice. Each year can be different.

All in all, October is looking to be a great month to be on the water here on Lake Lanier. The boat traffic has died down, the weather is great, the fish are shallow and the fish are hungry. October is one of my favorite months of the year.

FORECAST BY: Captain Clay Cunningham
Catching Not Fishing Guide Service