Lake Nottely Striper Fishing Report: Nov 2013

by Preston Harden

November is usually the month that the big fish really start showing up. With the cooler weather and the lake finishing it’s turnover, things should begin to transition into the winter patterns. The bait will move up shallower and the stripers should follow. Trade in your down-lines for your sideplaners and free-lines. It is also time to start dragging some trout. It has been hard to find quality gizzard shad this year, so I am looking towards trout for a good alternative. Lipped swim-baits and topwater plugs will do for artificials.

Figuring out where the fish are should be easy. If you aren’t seeing fish on the surface, you are probably in the wrong spot. Early morning and cloud cover will be the prime times to find them. With the cool waters, look over the main lake on cooling weather patterns and shallower in the creeks on warming weather patterns. When I say shallower, I mean really shallow. The last couple of Novembers have produced fish over 30-pounds in water as shallow as 3 feet. There is nothing more fun than big fish in shallow water. They can’t go down so the only option is to go out. Keep your drags set to run and have fun.

Hughes General Store has everything you need for your fishing trip on Lake Nottely. From fresh hot biscuits, bait, ice and even ethanol free gas. Give us a call or check out the website if you’re interested in booking a trip with Josh or Darren.

FORECAST BY: Josh Garrison
N. Georgia Premier Fishing Guide Service
(706) 745-4802