Magnificent Oasis! By: Wes Tallyn

If you live along the coast of Florida, or fish offshore, you probably have encountered Magnificent Frigatebirds in flight or feeding on baitfish schools.  With a wingspan of over seven feet, it’s hard to mistake them from any other bird species.  They are one of only a few seabirds that sip freshwater on the move by skimming the water off of ponds or puddles.

In Tierra Verde, located in Pinellas County, there is a very rare oasis for the birds.   There are two freshwater ponds that present a reliable stop for the birds to get a drink!   This is one of the very few places in the United States that you can reliably observe Magnificent Frigatebirds drinking freshwater.

The large birds circle around the sky above the ponds waiting for the right air currents to swoop down.  Large numbers of the birds can be observed doing this during the Summer months and sometimes other parts of the year.  The roadside has a couple of spots where you can see through a break in the shoreline vegetation to watch them skim the water.

So, next time you’re over that way or on your way to Fort DeSoto Park, see if you can witness this rare experience for yourself!