National Finals help fill Mooresville’s Fishing Team’s Boat

By Larry Sullivan/Mooresville Tribune

There is now a more impressive lure in place in the tackle box of Mooresville High School’s still-maturing fishing program.

That is the case after one of the four teams representing the third-year organization still conducting its competition on a club level landed a coveted invitation to attend this summer’s National High School Fishing Championship.

The duo of Blue Devils casting partners Tommy Shubert and Isaiah Lane posted positive enough performances combined during the four local qualifying tournaments to merit a berth into the national competition.

“I could not be more proud of these guys,” gushed J.J. Morse, Mooresville’s head fishing team coach. “Their work ethic, skill and team spirit have placed them in this position. We are pumped and ready for the national stage.”

Team captain Shubert and first mate Lane formed one of the four teams fielded by Mooresville this past prep-level angling season. They placed high enough in the four qualifying events to secure one of the limited number of eight bids extended to North Carolina teams for the nationals.

On the way towards punching their final ticket, the MHS pair was part of a field convening on Lake Wylie that consisted of nearly 300 boats.

It accounts for a major step forward for a Blue Devils active club program that has been in existence for only three years.

“To make the National Championship is what we had hope for early,” offered Morse. “To be preparing to leave and compete on a national level is really exciting.”

Morse is also just as quick to give additional credit where it is due.

“We need to say a huge thank you to the Mooresville Athletic Boosters Club,” acknowledged Morse, “and specifically to David Sharpe for serving as a faculty advisor.”

The potential awards dangling on the end of the hook for all national finals competitors also prove valuable. Winners of the tournament will be awarded college scholarships and receive recognition towards the goal of being selected to join college programs.

“We have really grown the club since it started,” praised Morse. “Just as our other sports teams, these guys have put in the time and that has paid off. We’re already looking forward to next season, which starts in November.”

For now, though, the focus remains centered on the National High School Championships, with Mooresville’s first entry helping form the field.

*The National Championships took place on Kentucky Lane in Paris, Tenn., Aug. 2-4.  The duo had a great time but did not place.