New Year! Why Not Learn Something New? By: T J Shea

Many of us begin the New Year with resolutions.  Kudos to those who are able to stay the course for more than a few weeks. We start them for various reasons; living a healthier lifestyle or being more fiscally responsible.  Unfortunately, we don’t hear about resolving to follow our passions or hobbies with as much gusto as counting calories!

For me, I like to kick off the new year with both a personal goal and one which directly correlates with my business. The latter happens to marry up with many of our readers’ passions. When it comes to the business, I choose an area where I struggle.  Something that makes me uncomfortable; yet I know to stay current, I must make progress. Even though I do love dinosaurs, I would never want to be considered one in my industry.  I set a plan of attack, make the time, do the research, ask the questions and take notes, so I can stretch myself. I do all this in the hopes of becoming a better captain and improving my business to better serve my clients.  I can’t think of any reason for the weekend boater or fisherman to not do the same.

With time on the water always limited, our smiles are wider when our fishing rods are bending, rather than waiting for that bite.   It’s so much better to be offshore or at the sandbar with a cold beverage in our hands than at the dock or boat ramp trying to chase a loose wire or figure out how to fix a bilge pump.   Improving our skills in all areas takes effort, whether it be your profession, your passion or just as an escape from your day-to-day life. This year, my resolution is going to be that new thing called social media–keeping our followers up to date on everything we’re doing.  Any idea what yours will be?

From experience, I can tell you that, if you are resolute in your resolution efforts, you will reap the rewards on your next offshore adventure (that is, once the icebergs in the Gulf melt away!).